

  • 作者:beat365体育亚洲官方网站
  • 发布时间:2012-03-29
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[1] 国家自然科学基金,DAST晶体及其衍生物的原料合成提纯、生长与性能研究,51172111,60万元,2012.1-2015.12,滕冰,孙瑾,于正河,钟德高,葛晓辉等

[2] 国家自然基金委员会主任基金,基于圆弓形散射元的二维光子晶体渐变波导特性研究,项目号11144007,经费35万,2012.12-2014.12,万勇,夏临华,云茂金,李长红,潘淑娣

[3] 国家自然科学基金,UN—LIBS技术用于工业废水中重金属污染物检测的方法研究,11104153,30万元,2012.01-2014.12,钟石磊

[4] 国家自然科学基金,基于互补掺杂SiC纳米线的器件组装及其光电性能的研究,51172112,60万元,2012.01-2015.12,张新霓

[5] 国家自然科学基金,钙钛矿型铁电薄膜、多层膜和异质结构中表面界面结构和电子态特性研究,11104152,30万元,2012.01-2014.12,薛旭燕

[6] 国家自然科学基金,含Bi层状钙钛矿型铁电体中畴开关疲劳机理的原位透射电镜研究,11174166,75万元,2012.1-2015.12,卢朝靖

[7] 山东省自然科学基金杰出青年基金,“静电纺丝制备有序排列和交叉结构微纳米纤维电子器件”,项目编号:JQ201103,资助经费:50万元,2011.07- 2014.07,项目负责人:龙云泽,参与人:孙彬,张红娣,陈友强,张新霓,王清涛

[8] 科技部973项目“新型高性能材料的设计与制备的基础研究”子课题“高分子基功能纳米材料的制备及其物理化学性能研究”,项目编号:暂无,资助经费:100万元,2012.01- 2013.12,项目负责人:夏临华,参与人:王乙潜,龙云泽,王宗花,李延辉,李洪亮,丛海林。

[9] 山东省优秀中青年奖励基金,波前相位调控聚焦光学性质的研究,BS2011DX007, 6万元,2011-2013,云茂金


.论文发表(发表论文51篇,其中SCI/EI收录42篇,学生发表19篇(SCI/EI 14篇))

[1] H.D. Zhang(张红娣), Y.Z. Long, Z.J. Li, B. Sun, C.H. Sheng(盛琛皓,本科生), “Synthesis, electrical and humidity sensing properties of BaTiO3nanofibers via electrospinning”,Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 418-420 (2012) pp. 684-687 (EI收录)

[2] M.M. Li(李蒙蒙,研究生), Y.Z. Long*, D.Y. Yang, J.S. Sun, H.X. Yin, Z.L. Zhao, W.H. Kong, X.Y. Jiang, Z.Y. Fan, “Fabrication of one dimensional superfine polymer fibers by double-spinning”,Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21(35), 13159-13162 (2011) (SCI收录,影响因子5.099)

[3] Y.Z. Long*(龙云泽), M.M. Li, C.Z. Gu, M.X. Wan, J.L. Duvail, Z.W. Liu, and Z.Y. Fan, “Recent advances in synthesis, physical properties and applications of conducting polymer nanotubes and nanofibers”,Progress in Polymer Science, 36(10), 1415-1442 (2011) (SCI收录,影响因子22.87)

[4] C.C. Tang(唐成春,研究生), J.C. Chen(陈俊驰,本科生), Y.Z. Long*, H.X. Yin, B. Sun, and H.D. Zhang, “Preparation of curled microfibers by electrospinning with tip collector”,Chin. Phys. Lett., 28(5), 056801 (2011) (SCI收录,影响因子1.077)

[5] M.M. Li(李蒙蒙,研究生), Y.Z. Long,*H.X. Yin, and Z.M. Zhang, “Electrospun cerium complex / polymer composite fibres: synthesis, characterization, and fibre-division model”,Chin. Phys. B20(4), 048101 (8pp) (2011) (SCI收录,影响因子1.63)

[6] M.M. Li(李蒙蒙,研究生), and Y.Z. Long*, “Fabrication of self-assembled three-dimensional fibrous stackings by electrospinning”,Materials Science Forum688, 95-101 (2011) (EI)

[7] H.X. Yin(尹红星,研究生), Y.Z. Long*, Z.H. Zhang, F. Yu(于放,本科生), S.J. Zhao, and X.L. She, “Electrospun europium complex/polymer composite microfibers and its modified photoluminescence properties”,Materials Science Forum688, 74-79 (2011) (EI收录)

[8] H. Yang(杨贺,研究生), Y.Z. Long*, and H.J. Ding, “Template-free synthesis and properties of polyaniline nanostructures doped with different oxidants”,Materials Science Forum688, 334-338 (2011) (EI收录)

[9] C.C. Tang(唐成春,研究生), Y.Z. Long*, and J.C. Chen(陈俊驰,本科生), “Production of helical polymer microfibers by electrospinning”,Materials Science Forum688, 250-254 (2011) (EI收录)

[10] De-Gao Zhong(钟德高), Teng Bing, Zheng-He Yu, Shu-Hua Wang, Xue-Jun Jiang, Lin-Xiang He, and Wan-Xia Huang,Investigation on the regeneration of Z-cut KDP crystals,Cryst. Res. Technol. 46(9), 911-916 (2011). SCIIF=0.946

[11] Fei You(由飞,研究生), Bing Teng(滕冰), Linhua Xia, Hui Xu, Degao Zhong, Shiming Zhang, Yuejuan Yu,Jiangtao Ma, Surface Morphology and Shape Analysis of Nonlinear Optical Crystal DAST, Advanced Materials Research 197-198, 306-309(2011) (EI)

[12] Xu Hui(许辉,研究生), Teng Bing(滕冰), Yu Zhenghe , You Fei, Zhong De-gao, Zhang Shi-ming, Yu Yue-juan , Ma Jiang-tao, The surface morphology and mechanical behavior studies of DAST crystal on (001)and (110) faces, Advance Materials Research 197-198, 358-361(2011)(EI)

[13] Fei You(由飞,研究生),Jin Sun,Bing Teng(滕冰), Lin-Hua Xia,Xin-Xing Jiang,Hui Xu, De-Gao Zhong, Romano A Rupp, A Simple Method of Synthesis and Purification of 4-dimethylamino-N-methyl -4-stilbazolium tosylate, Materials Science Forum,686,392-395(2011) EI

[14] Xu Hui(许辉,研究生), Teng Bing(滕冰), Yu Zhenghe , You Fei, Zhong De-gao, Zhang Shi-ming, Yu Yue-juan , Ma Jiang-tao, Vickers hardness studies on (001) and (110) faces of DAST crystal, Materials Science Forum 687,447-449(2011) EI

[15] 刘均海,Modeling analysis of optical bistability in continuous-wave operation of quasi-three-level lasers, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics,SCI

[16] 刘均海,不同组分的钒酸盐混晶Ybt:YxGd1-t-xVO4光谱与激光性质的比较研究, 物理学报,SCI

[17] 孔伟金,王书浩,魏世杰,云茂金,张文飞,宽光谱高衍射效率脉宽压缩光栅设计和性能分析,光学学报,2011,31(10):1005001-1-4EI

[18] 孔伟金,郑倂斌,云茂金,匡杰,王书浩等,基于导模共振效应三基色窄带滤光片的研究,光学学报,2011,31(10):1005006-1-4EI

[19]孔伟金,王书浩,魏世杰,云茂金,张文飞,基于严格耦合波理论的宽光谱金属介质膜光栅衍射特性分析,物理学报,2011,60(11):114214-1-7 SCI

[20] S.D.Pan*(潘淑娣), Y.Yuan, L.N.Zhao, Y.H.Liu, S.N.Zhu, “Compact passively Q-switched green laser with periodically poled MgO:LiNbO3, “Laser Physics 2011, 21:887-890

(SCI) (IF=0.676)(青大位次1)

[21] Lixiang Chen(陈利祥),Lei Chu,Ning Zhang,Changshun Jin,Yansheng Yin, Enhancing the Single Mode Microwave Sintering Using Simulation IEEE Xplore, 2011, ICSDDP2011, 572-575 (EI)

[22] Liang, Jian(梁健,研究生) (College of Physics Science, Qingdao University, Qingdao 266071, China); Yun, Maojin(云茂金); Kong, Weijin; Sun, Xin; Zhang, Wenfei; Xi, Sixing,“Highly birefringent photonic crystal fibers with flattened dispersion and low effective mode area”, Optik, v 122, n 23, p 2151-2154, December 2011SCI

[23] Liang, Jian(梁健,研究生) (College of Physics Science, Qingdao University, Qingdao, 266071, China); Yun, Maojin(云茂金); Xia, Feng; Liu, Meiling, “A kind of single-polarization single-mode photonic crystal fiber”, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 8120, 2011, Photonic Fiber and Crystal Devices: Advances in Materials and Innovations in Device Applications VEI

[24] Wang, Mei(王美)(College of Physics Science, Qingdao University, Qingdao, Shandong 266071, China); Yun, Maojin; Liu, Liren; Kong, Weijin; Liang, Jian; Liu, Meiling; Xia, Feng,” Design of the super-resolution pupil filter in the confocal system”, Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica, v 31, n 6, June 2011EI

[25] Yun, Maojin(云茂金) (College of Physics Science, Qingdao University, Qingdao, Shandong 266071, China); Wang, Mei; Kong, Weijin; Liu, Liren; Liang, Jian; Zhu, Huafeng; Gao, Xiumin, “Axial focal shift and extended focal depth with tunable filter”, Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica, v 31, n 3, March 2011EI

[26] Jian Liang(梁健,研究生), Li-yong Ren, Mao-jin Yun(云茂金), Xu Han, “Wideband ultraflat slow light with large group index in a W1 photonic crystal waveguide,” J. Appl. Phys. 110, 063103 (2011).SCI

[27] XU Jie (徐洁),ZHANG Duan-Ming,The longitudinal magnetoresistance and ‘chiral’ coupling in silver chalcogenides (SCI)

[28]. Bing Liu, LI Xiang Chen, X. Sun, R.C. Dong, X. G. Jie, S.M. Zhu. “ the negative ∏/2 phase shift of total reflect light”, Advanced materials research, 254(2011) pp 103-106.(EI收录)

[29]万勇*,蔡仲雨,赵修松,李洪亮,夏临华 两步法制备二氧化硅微球的影响因素, 功能材料,2011,42(4):734-736 (EI

[30]万勇*,云茂金,潘淑娣,夏临华 圆弓形散射元构建的二维硅基太赫兹波导的制备和表征,光学学报, 2011,31(12),1222004 (EI

[31]Yong Wan*, Zhongyu Cai, Qin Li, X.S. Zhao,Simulation and Fabrication of THz Waveguides with Silicon Wafer by Using Eye-shaped Pillars as Building Blocks,Applied Physics A,2011,1029(2):373-377SCI, IF 1.59

[32]Yong Wan, Maojin Yun, Linhua Xia, Xiusong Zhao. 1 x 3 beam splitter based on self-collimation effect in two-dimensional photonic crystals. Optik,2011:122(4):337-339EI

[33]万勇*,蔡仲雨,赵修松,李洪亮,夏临华,PS微球胶体晶体薄膜及其反相SiO2结构的制备和表征,人工晶体学报,2011,40(1):150-154 (EI

[34] 万勇*,赵修松,蔡仲雨等,利用水平沉积法制作PS微球二元胶体薄膜及其它复杂结构,人工晶体学报,2011,40(5):1295-1298 (EI

[35] Sui Wanmei*(隋万美), Luan Shijun, Song Ranran, Wang Chunlong, Investigation on the Origin of Abnormal Grain Growth in Sintering Process of Sr0.5Ba0.5Nb2O6Ceramics without Eutectic Liquid-phase,Journal of Ceramic Processing Research.Vol.12,(2011.12.), SCI

[36] M. Wei, S.-O. Chen*, W.-Q. Shao, X.-J. Jiang, D. Li, R.-F. Sun and Z. Zhang,Investigation of sol–gel preparation procedure for DAG powder,Materials Technology ,26[5](2011)215-218SCI

[37] S.D.Pan*(潘淑娣), Y.G.Wang, “Diode end-pumped passively mode-locked Nd:YLF laser at 1047nm using single-wall carbon nanotubes based saturable absorber,” Laser Physics 2011, 21:1353-1357 (SCI)(IF=0.676)(青大位次1)

[38] S.D.Pan*(潘淑娣), Y.G.Wang, J.Tang, “Diode-pumped passively Q-switched and Q-switch mode-locked Nd:YVO4 laser using single-wall carbon nanotube based saturable absorber, “Laser Physics 2011, 21:867-872 (SCI) (IF=0.676)(青大位次1)

[39] Y.C. Zhang(张永成), Z.Z. Yang, W.N. Ye, C.J. Lu(通讯作者), and L.H. Xia, Effect of excess Pb on microstructures and electrical properties of 0.67Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.33PbTiO3 ceramics,J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Electron. 22(3), 309-314 (Feb. 2011). (SCI) (IF=0.947).

[40] Y.C. Zhang(张永成), W.N. Ye, Z.Z. Yang, C.J. Lu(通讯作者), and L.H. Xia, Effect of excess Pb on formation of perovskite-type 0.67Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.33PbTiO3 powders synthesized through a sol-gel process, J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Electron. 22(1), 91-95 (Jan. 2011).(SCI) (IF=0.947)

[41] Hongyan Qi(祁红艳), Yajun Qi, Wanneng Ye, and Chaojing Lu(通讯作者), Hydrothermal synthesis, domain structure and optical properties of single-crystalline Bi3.15Nd0.85Ti3O12 nanostructures, J. Nanosci. Nanotechno. 10(8), 5350-53 (Aug. 2010).(SCI) (IF=1.987)

[42] 陈利祥,初蕾,张宁,金昌顺,聂贺峰,尹衍升 微波烧结腔内电场的HFSS仿真与实测分析 beat365在线登录入口学报自然版,2011,Vol.24 No.1,33-37

[43] 于跃娟(研究生),滕冰,钟德高,李建宏,马江涛,黄万霞,“不同过饱和度下生长的ADP晶体的缺陷研究”,《2011中国功能材料科技与产业高层论坛论文集》

[44] 孔伟金,王书浩,云茂金,孙欣,魏世杰,张文飞,郑併斌,姜丽娜,飞秒激光用超宽带金属介质膜光栅的设计,光电子激光,2011, 22(12):1769-1773

[45] 孔伟金,王书浩,魏世杰,张文飞,云茂金,孙欣,郑倂斌,金属介质膜光栅衍射特性分析,beat365在线登录入口学报自然科学版,2011.8,24(3)

[46] 张展、陈沙鸥、邵渭泉、魏妙、李达、王峰,GdAlO3粉体的溶胶凝胶法制备工艺及烧结行为研究,陶瓷学报,32[3](2011)390-394

[47] Zhang Zhan,Chen Shaou, Shao Weiquan,Wei Miao, Li Da, Wang Feng, Investigation of Sol-gel preparation and Singtering behavior of GdAlO3 powder, beat365在线登录入口学报(自然科学版),24[4](2011)49-50.

[48] 刘晓娟、陈沙鸥、邵渭泉,魏妙,张展,王美玲,战清雪,甲焕君“Dy掺杂对a-Al2O3的烧结及热膨胀行为的影响”,陶瓷学报,32[2](2011)202-206;

[49] 万勇*,付凯,任兵,基于圆弓形散射元的光子晶体禁带研究,beat365在线登录入口学报, 2011,24(2):24-27

[50] Li-Zhen Zhao(赵丽珍), Wan-Sheng Su,Wen-CaiLu(吕文彩)*,C. Z.Wang,K. M.Ho, “Competitive Diamond-like and Endohedral Fullerene Structures of Si70”, Journal of Computational Chemistry 32, 1271–1278 (2011).(SCI)(IF=3.769) (青大第一位次)

[51] QIN Wei(秦薇), ZANG Qing-jun, LÜ Wen-cai(吕文彩)*, WANG C. Z. and HO K. M. “Comparison of Sin+ and Gen+(n=2-15) Cationic Structures”, Chem. Res. Chinese Universities. 27(2), 313-317(2011).(SCI)(IF=0.556) (青大第一位次)


[1] B. Sun(孙彬,在职研究生), Y.Z. Long*, M.M. Li, “Preparation, electrical conductivity, photocurrent and wettability of carbon microcoils”, Advanced Materials Research, accepted(EI收录)


[1].Gao, Xiumin(Hangzhou Dianzi University, Electronics and Information College, Hangzhou 310018, China);Wang, Qi;Zhan, Qiufang;Yun, Maojin;Guo, Hanming;Zhuang, Songlin, “Focal patterns of higher order hyperbolic-cosine-gaussian beam with one optical vortex”, Optical and Quantum Electronics, v 42, n 6-7, p 367-380, June 2011

[2] Jian Liang(梁健,研究生), Li-yong Ren, Mao-jin Yun(云茂金), Xing-jun Wang, “Wideband slow light with ultralow dispersion in a W1 photonic crystal waveguide,” Appl. Opt. 50, G99-G103 (2011). (青大位次2)

[3] Jian Liang(梁健,研究生), Maojin Yun(云茂金), Feng Xia, Meiling Liu, “A kind of single-polarization single-mode photonic crystal fiber,” J. Mod. Opt.59(2),2011(青大位次2)

[4]. Gao, Xiumin (Electronics and Information College, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China); Wang, Qi; Yun, Maojin; Guo, Hanming; Wang, Jian; Zhuang, Songlin, “Focal shift of cylindrical vector axisymmetric Bessel-modulated Gaussian beam with radial variance phase wavefront”, Optik, v 122, n 23, p 2124-2128, December 2011

[5] Gao, Xiumin (Electronics and Information College, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, 310018, China); Zhan, Qiufang; Yun, Maojin; Guo, Hanming; Dong, Xiangmei; Zhuang, Songlin, “Focusing properties of spirally polarized hollow Gaussian beam”, Optical and Quantum Electronics, p 1-14, 2011

[6] Liang, Wei (College of Physics Science, University of Jinan, Jinan, 250022, China); Yun, Maojin; Liu, Meiling; Xia, Feng,” Extended focal depth and lateral superresolution in optical coherence tomography”, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 8134, 2011, Optics and Photonics for Information Processing V

[7].T.Tai, S.D.Pan, Y.G.Wang, J.Tang*, “Saturable absorber using single wall carbon nanotube-poly (vinylalcohol) deposited by the vertical evaporation technique,” Opt. Commun. 2011, 284: 429-431 (SCI) (IF= 1.316)(青大位次2)

[8]. Y.H.Liu, Z.D.Xie, S.D.Pan, X.P.Hu, S.N.Zhu*, High-power diode-pumped passively mode-locked Nd:YVO4 laser at 1342 nm with periodically-poled LiNbO3, Opt. Lett. 2011, 36: 698-700 (SCI) (IF=3.059) (青大位次2)

[9] Qiu-Xia Li, Wen-Cai Lu*, Qing-Jun Zang, Li-Zhen Zhao, C.Z. Wang, K.M. Ho, “Carbon-rich C9Sin(n=1-5) clusters from ab initio calculations” Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 963, 439–447(2011). (SCI) (IF=1.216)(青大第二位次)

[10] Jing Zhang, Wen-Cai Lu*, Qing-Jun Zang, Li-Zhen Zhao, C Z Wang and K M Ho,“An ab initio calculation study of silicon and carbon binary clusters C7Sin(n = 1–7) ”J. Phys.: Condens. Matter23, 205305(2011). (SCI) (IF=1.964)(青大第二位次)

[11]Xiaojie Liu, Wen-Cai Lu*, Cai-Zhuang Wang, Kai-Ming Ho, Energetic and gragmentation stability of water clusters (H2O)n, n=2-30, 2011, Chem. Phys. Lett. 508, 270-275(2011). (SCI)(IF=2.226) (青大第二位次)

[12]Wei Song, Wen-Cai Lu*, Qing-Jun Zang, and Qiu-Xia Li, “Structures and Stabilities of the Nin (n = 31 - 35) Clusters” Chem. Res. Chinese Universities (2011) (in press). (SCI) (IF=0.556) (青大第二位次)

[13]Wei Song, Wen-Cai Lu*, C. Z. Wang, and K. M. Ho, “Magnetic and Electronic Properties of the Nickel Clusters Nin(n ≤ 30)” Computational and Theoretical Chemistry (2011) (in press). (SCI) (IF=1.216) (青大第二位次)

[14]Wei Song, Wen-Cai Lu*, Qing-Jun Zang, C. Z. Wang, and K. M. Ho, “Double-icosahedron-based Motif of Nin(n = 20 - 30)” International Journal of Quantum Chemistry (2011) (in press). (SCI) (IF=1.182) (青大第二位次)

[15]Xiaojie Liu, Cai-Zhuang Wang*, Yong-Xin Yao, Wen-Cai Lu*, Myron Hupalo, Michael C. Tringides, Kai-Ming Ho, Bonding and charge transfer by metal adatom adsorption on grpahene, Phys. Rev. B 83, 235441(1-12) (2011). (SCI) (IF=3.327) (青大第三位次)


[1] 一种有序排列和交叉结构纳米纤维的制备装置。发明人:龙云泽,李蒙蒙,赵志立(本科生),孔文豪(本科生),董刚(本科生)。授权专利号:ZL 2010 1 0184 068.1,2011年6月8日

[2] 一种展示多种碳材料的教学演示装置。发明人:龙云泽,尹红星,唐成春,孙杰杰(本科生),陈俊驰(本科生),李蒙蒙。授权专利号:ZL 2010 2 0216 411.1,2011年1月12日






[1] The 2ndInternational Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processes (IC- AMMP 2011), December 16-18th, Guilin, Guangxi, China

Hong-di Zhang, Yun-ze Long, Zhao-jian Li, Bin Sun, and Chen-hao Sheng, “Synthesis, electrical and humidity sensing properties of BaTiO3nanofibers via electrospinning” (Invited lecture)

[2] 第五届功能聚合物纳米材料研讨会。2011年10月28-30日,北京。


[3] IUPAC 7thInternational Symposium on Novel Materials and Synthesis (NMS-VII) & 21thInternational Symposium on Fine Chemistry and Functional Polymers (FCFP-XXI), October 16-21,2011, Shanghai, China.

Yun-Ze Long, “Large-scale assembly of nanowires and nanofibers for electronics and photovoltaics” (Invited lecture)

[4] 中国物理学会2011年秋季学术会议,2011.09.16-19,杭州。



[5] 第十届中国国际纳米科技(杭州)研讨会,2011年10月26-30日,杭州

B. Sun, Y.Z. Long, M.M. Li, “Preparation, electrical conductivity, photocurrent and wettability of carbon microcoils” (oral talk)

[6] The 2011 MRS spring meeting. April 25-29,2011, San Francisco, California.

Symposium B: Third-generation and emerging solar-cell technologies. (B3.4) Engineered Optical Absorption of Nano/Micro-pillar Arrays for Efficient Photovoltaics. Siu-fung Leung,Yunze Long, Qingfeng Lin and Zhiyong Fan.

[7] 2010年6月至2011年5月,龙云泽在香港科技大学电子系合作研究。

[8] 2011.8.25-26,第一届全国高能加速器(重大科技基础设施)战略研讨会暨用户年会,北京。于跃娟(研究生)、李建宏(研究生)参会。

[9] 2011.7, 中国光学学会全息与光信息处理专委会和高速摄影与光子学专委会年会,呼和浩特。云茂金,“光学超分辨的研究”。

[10] 2011.8,SPIE Optics + PhotonicsSan Diego, 云茂金,“ Extended focal depth and lateral super resolution in optical coherent tomography”。

[11] 2011.5,The fifth International Conference on nanophotonics 2011 (ICNP2011), Shanghai。Jian Liang, Liyong Ren, Maojin Yun, Xingjun Wang, “Large group-index slow light with wide band and low dispersion in a W1 photonic crystal waveguide”。

[12] 2011.07.22-25,国家发改委培训中心科技项目资金申报与经费预算管理暨“十二五“科技重点规划分析研讨班,西安

[13] 13-17 Nov, 2011, the third China-Japan symposium on ferroelectric materials and their applications, Xiangtan. Wanneng Ye, Chaojing Lu and Yichun Zhou, TEM study of crystal symmetry and domain structure in Bi3.5Nd0.5Ti3O12ferroelectric single crystals. (口头报告)

[14] 2011, 8.28-9.2, 第16届国际溶胶-凝胶大会,浙江杭州。Chaojing Lu, Wanneng Ye and Chao Li, Oriented growth and electrical anisotropy of sol-gel derived ferroelectric thin films of Bi-layered perovskite grown on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si. (邀请报告)

[15] 2011年7月11-15日,第四届郭可信暑期班暨材料电子显微学国际研讨会,沈阳中国科学院金属研究所,叶万能,卢朝靖。


[1] 研究生尹志华的硕士学位论文“导电聚合物纳米结构的电学性能研究”荣获2011年山东省优秀学位论文。

[2] beat365在线登录入口龙云泽,荣获第十二届“挑战杯”山东省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛“优秀指导教师”,2011年7月

[3] beat365在线登录入口,霍晓梅(本科生),KDP类晶体的定向生长与缺陷研究,山东省第三届大学生物理科技创新大赛三等奖,2011 指导老师:滕冰

[4] 王书浩(本科生),作品“宽光谱金属介质膜光栅设计及衍射特性分析”,获2011年山东省大学生“拓普杯”物理科技创新大赛特等奖,指导教师:孔伟金。

[5] 大四学生刘术亮、赵南、王玉娜、黄亚丽和研究生尹红星、唐成春的作品“离心静电纺丝法制备平行交叉以及绞线结构荧光纳米纤维”荣获第十二届“挑战杯”山东省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛一等奖(2011年)

[6] 大四本科生刘抗抗的作品“一种旋转圆盘感应起电式静电纺丝教学演示装置”荣获2011年山东省大学生物理科技创新大赛一等奖

[7] 大四本科生邵峰和韩维华的作品“一种制备有序微纳米纤维及绞线的静电纺丝装置”荣获2011年山东省大学生物理科技创新大赛三等奖

[8] 大四本科生刘术亮、赵南、尹红星和唐成春的作品“离心静电纺丝法制备平行交叉以及绞线结构荧光纳米纤维”荣获2011年山东省大学生物理科技创新大赛三等奖

[9] 研究生唐成春、本科生赵南、本科生刘术亮、研究生杨贺、本科生刘帅的作品“静电纺丝法制备有序排列/交叉结构的导电高分子微纳米纤维”荣获第十二届“挑战杯”beat365在线登录入口大学生课外学术作品竞赛特等奖

[10] 本科生刘术亮、本科生赵南、本科生王玉娜、本科生黄亚丽、研究生尹红星、研究生唐成春的作品“离心静电纺丝法制备平行交叉以及绞线结构荧光纳米纤维”荣获第十二届“挑战杯”beat365在线登录入口大学生课外学术作品竞赛特等奖

[11] 本科生于放、徐天翔、李文静的作品“静电纺丝制备自支撑三维堆垛结构纳米纤维” 荣获第十二届“挑战杯”beat365在线登录入口大学生课外学术作品竞赛一等奖

[12] 本科生刘抗抗、赵志立的作品“一种新型静电纺丝演示仪器”荣获第十二届“挑战杯”beat365在线登录入口大学生课外学术作品竞赛二等奖

[13] 本科生徐世聪、研究生唐成春、本科生王永兵、刘抗抗的作品“一种测量静电纺丝速度的方法”荣获第十二届“挑战杯”beat365在线登录入口大学生课外学术作品竞赛三等奖



[0] Journal of Nanoscience Letters编委

[1] Nanotechnology审稿人(英国物理学会刊物,影响因子3.6)

[2] Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics审稿人(英国物理学会刊物)

[3] Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter审稿人(英国物理学会刊物)

[4] Journal of Physical Chemistry C审稿人(美国化学会刊物,影响因子3.5)

[5] Chemistry of Materials审稿人(美国化学会刊物,影响因子5.1)

[6] ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces审稿人(美国化学会刊物,影响因子8)

[7] Europhysics Letters审稿人(欧洲物理快报)

[8] Macromolecular Rapid Communications审稿人(影响因子3.2)

[9] Synthetic Metals 审稿人

[10] Superlattices and Microstructures 审稿人

[11] Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 审稿人

[12] Nanoscale Research Letters 审稿人

[13] Composites Science and Technology 审稿人

[14] International Journal of Physical Sciences 审稿人

[15] Materials Chemistry and Physics 审稿人

[16] Materials Letters 审稿人

[17] Applied Physics Letters审稿人(美国物理联合会刊物,影响因子4)

[18] Journal of Nanoscience Letters 审稿人

[19] ACS nano审稿人(美国化学会刊物,影响因子7.8)

[20] Sensors and Actuators B: Chemistry审稿人(影响因子3.4)

[21] Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering 审稿人

[22] Recent Patents on Nanotechnology 审稿人

[23] Composites Part B: Engineering 审稿人

[24] Applied Surface Science 审稿人

[25] Science and Technology of Advanced Materials审稿人(影响因子3.22)

[26] Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 审稿人

[27] Physica Scripta 审稿人

[28] Iranian Polymer Journal审稿人




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